December 4, 2018
The equality effect is pleased to report on the continued success of the 160 Girls access to justice initiative, with updates from rural Kenya to New York City.
1. 160 Girls and Emily:
Emily is a 12 year old pupil from Shitochi Primary School in Kakamega, Kenya – not far from the Ugandan border. Emily was repeatedly defiled and impregnated by her uncle. When Emily went to school, some members of the 160 Girls Justice Club realized that she was sad and withdrawn. Upon discussion with some of her friends from the Justice Club, Emily revealed that she had been repeatedly raped by her uncle. The Club leaders reported the matter to the Justice Club patrons/teachers who contacted KARE, e²’s rape rescue partner in Kakamega. KARE helped Emily to report to the police, who investigated immediately and arrested the uncle; the case is awaiting trial. The police had received the 160 Girls defilement investigation training, and fulfilled the High Court’s order that police conduct “prompt, effective, proper and professional” defilement investigations. Emily's story brings to life the valuable impact of the 160 Girls project in enabling child rape victims to hold perpetrators of rape accountable for their violence.

160 Girls Justice Clubs: Student led girls' rights education today, for a safer tomorrow. Photo credit: Brian Otieno
2. 160 Girls and Inspector Constantine Chepnoo:
Lead police from Vancouver and Kenya recently completed an evaluation of the 160 Girls police training in Kakamega and Mombasa counties, Kenya. The team visited 14 stations in total; it was rewarding as always, to meet with 160 Girls defilement investigation grads in the field, serving as 160 Girls champions. Inspector Constantine Chepnoo shared, with a thoughtful smile on her face: "The 160 Girls training gets in your blood and becomes part of who you are. The mission to get justice for the girls who are victims of defilement defines me now, and the investigation successes we see bring pride and satisfaction." The enthusiasm for 160 Girls among the police and community leaders who participated in the evaluation was definitely encouraging.

160 Girls Police Training: Ending impunity for child rape, and holding perpetrators accountable for their sexual violence. Photo credit: Natalia Jidovanu
3. 160 Girls and His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta:
We were honored to meet with President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya recently to share a progress update on the 160 Girls’ success, and to get his valuable input on possible future priorities for 160 Girls. We’re grateful to President Kenyatta for his warm reception and enthusiastic embrace of 160 Girls, and appreciate his support of girls’ equality rights.
Left to right: Sunir Chandaria, Honorary Consul of Kenya in Toronto; Dr. Fiona Sampson e² CEO; President Uhuru Kenyatta. Sept. 27th, 2018, New York City.
Fiona Sampson, C.M.
CEO, the equality effect
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